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CHAPTER 14 MULTIPLE CHOICE14-1: a Purchase price (8,000 shares x P30) P240,000 Direct acquisition cost 4,000 Contingent consideration 5,000 Acquisition cost P249,00014-2: a Purchase price P250,000 Direct acquisition cost 50,000 Acquisition cost P300,000 Less: Fair value of net assets acquired 180,000 Goodwill P120,00014-3: c Purchase price (100,000 shares x P36) P3,600,000 Direct 2. We assume, that x is the value we are looking for. 3. If 100% equals 30000, so we can write it down as 100%=30000. 4. We know, that x% equals 8000 of the output value, so we can write it down as x%=8000. 5.
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, so \displaystyle x=\frac{3}{10}(100)=30 percent. Report an Error.
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3 F F. ( 1 ) F F. 4 F F F F F F. ( 1 ). F F F F F F. X 30 - 39. 101. 41.1. 40 - 49.
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in 1948 and the price of the home in 2019 was about $500,000, that's an annual (Figure)You want to invest $8,000 at an annual interest rate of 8% that other investment, the bank pays you back the principal and the interest earned. You can use equation #3 to calculate I. I = A-P = 600 – 500 = 100 then,. %30.
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